Aug 15Liked by Conor Pfister

Interesting that the origins of the word are closely connected with fright as well as reverence. Maybe the way we’re frightened these days in the west is less connected with the natural world? At least until climate changes bring back the mighty forces of nature and dismantles our illusion of being in control and, as you say, at the center of the story. Love the thinking and drawings. More animations!

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Very interesting! Thanks for your comment Peter. It's true that awe does not only come in "awesome" moments such as hikes or concerts, but it can also come from witnessing a birth or death - closer to the "terror" origin of the word. Your comment about control also makes me think about the notion comfort (Stefano Boni wrote a book on this, Homo Confort). If we are deprived from experiences that are uncomfortable because we build vehicles, airconditioning, computers, medication, etc. - do we miss out on some essential awe? Maybe a topic for a future essay! x Michelle

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